Sunday, February 8, 2009

Weekend in Review

Yesterday I had to work and afterward we went to Duane's parents and then fishing. Addi caught a nice bass for such a little girl and a Barbie pole. Then she caught a huge drum. It was really ugly and it broke the line but it was near the bank and scared her so bad she ran away and started crying. Poor girl! I have a picture on my phone, but can't get it on the computer yet.
Then today we went to church and had a lazy afternoon. Tonight I took some pictures of us in our boots, but Shyanne's USB cord doesn't match my camera so those will have to wait. Here is one off Shyanne's computer of our boots. I thought it might be cute in black & white and framed. We'll see.

Here are a few pictures of the kids. Addi was practicing writing her A's. Karter REFUSED to look at me for a picture. Have a good week!


  1. hehehe Duane's boots look so big!! That will be a really neat picture though!

  2. Very cute picture!! We are also ready for the rodeo!!
