Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Three's a crowd!

And that's what we'll have come July 2010!!!


Friday, November 13, 2009


Today I am thankful for my sweet Daddy!!! He is the best Dad and Paw-Paw ever!!! Happy Birthday!!!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

I seriously have pictures to post. I just have to get my camera from Shyanne.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Raising Kids

What do you do with a three year old that makes you want to pull your hair out and stomp your feet?

I am reading the book 'Bringing up boys' by James Dobson. Very good so far. In the first chapter he states that in general boys are harder to raise then girls but not all cases. Well based on my three years of parenting (not alot and I will probably say the opposite at a later time) our girl is much more difficult than our boy. She is so strong willed. And I don't mean slightly. I mean if you don't tie her shoes a certain way, fix her hair just right, lay the right clothes out, fix the right thing for breakfast, then she has a lay on the floor, scream and holler melt down. And she thinks she is never wrong. I can tie her shoe in a double knot like she asks, then she will argue that I didn't tie it in a knot. I mean seriously, would I lie to you? Get a grip. Last week we had major meltdowns everyday. She spent the night with my parents and mom told her she couldn't stay anymore until she could act nicer. It is that bad! What makes it even more frustrating is once she gets over it and moves on she is the sweetest kid you have ever seen. And I know she can act right b/c some mornings she wakes up on her own, dresses herself, is ready to eat anything, and says yes ma'am, and has a very pleasant attitude.

I think it is worse when she is tired and last week we didn't get to bed early enough probably. And I am trying a different approach. I call it EXTREME PATIENCE. This is a level of patience way above and beyond any normal level. While it took us 15 minutes to try and fix her hair the other day (b/c I had to brush it a certain number of times in a certain way) and pushed my patience we didn't have a major breakdown. Also if I can't do it the way she wants it, I am just not doing it. I tell her maybe Daddy can do it right or that maybe later she will be ready for me to try again but that I am not going to do it if that is how she is going to act. I don't know if this is good parenting or not, but we are just trying to get through this without her ruling over us and with us having some semblance of being in control and having our sanity. I know it is best for her to figure out now that she is not the boss and that she must respect authority. Overall we are just trying to discipline Biblically and balance the rod with instrucation and love and mostly pray that God will know our hearts and will straighten out what we mess up.

She has been better this week and has even had an ear infection. Who knows? I am sure next week will be different again. She really can be the sweetest most caring child. This is just an opportunity to learn more patience and teach her great lessons in life.

Thanks for letting me vent!

P.S. After mom had her this weekend, she told me that she remembers me acting this way.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


I have no desire to blog. But here is what we have been doing lately.

-We hosted a housewarming party for some dear friends that moved here on Saturday.
-I had bunco at my house last night! Fun times!
-I am teaching the older Awana's group on Wednesdays. It is such a blessing to be involved and see kids learning to look up verses in the Bible and memorizing them.
-This Saturday we have our Murder Mystery party at my house. We are so excited! I think it is going to be lots of fun! I am playing a librarian!
-I am desperately wanting the book Catch 22. Okay maybe not desperately, but it is next on my list. I read it in high school and enjoyed it and am wanting to read it again. I may start dropping hints to Duane and see if he gets it.:) It would so make my day if he did!
-The kids have been good. Karter was sick last week with the bug or something, but better now.
-Addi is going to be a ladybug for Halloween and Karter a bug catcher. My nieces and my nephew and Addi are bugs and he's the catcher.
-Only ONE month until New Moon! Woohoo!

Have a good week!

Friday, October 9, 2009

I win Mother of the Year Award


I sent my children to daycare in shorts today. The high turned out to be only 60 degrees. And I find out later the pep rally was outside today.

Bad, bad, mom.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Let's be realistic...

Since Addi was born and until Karter turned 2, I have been on one of the following plans:

1. Pregnant-so you are supposed to be big and gain weight so you can pretty much eat whatever you want.

2. Breastfeeding-burns more calories than I don't know what, so therefore you can eat pretty much whatever you want.

So now that I am on neither of these plans, I think I need a new one. I can no longer wear clothes that I wore last spring (as in 09) or even early summer.

But seriously let's be realistic....

Here's the situation (I'm sure you can all relate):

Two small children (small translates to needs help with most tasks)

Full-time job outside of the home

I am the woman (translates into cooking, cleaning, washing, organizing, laundry, etc.)

So because of the said situation (which I wouldn't trade for anything), the only available times for working out are between 9pm and 6am.

But Let's be realistic....

Since I enjoy sleeping and can't get up in the mornings, let's narrow it down to 9pm-10:30pm. This time only works if all other things are in order, such as kitchen cleaned up, bags packed for tomorrow, clothes laid out, kids in bed.

I would like to say that I could do the Shred video during that time and work hard and really do some good...

But let's be realistic...

I enjoy watching tv and it's my way to wind down after all day. I like to put the kids in bed and then have about an hour of nothingness, just watching tv and relaxing and it's something Duane and I do together. So I'm not really willing to turn the tv off to do the Shred.

So here's my new plan... Put the kids in bed between 8:45 and 9 and then get right on the stationary bike and watch tv while I ride for 20-30 minutes. I know it's brilliant! The only problem is it wasn't getting me the results I wanted. So do you think I'll have to sacrifice and get up earlier and turn on the Shred?

Let's be realistic....

No. I opt instead to give up...(now wait for this, it will shock some of you)

Sweet tea


Dr. Pepper

Now I have cheated three times with a DP, besides sips of Duane's b/c those don't count. But as of tomorrow it will be 2 weeks. I even have been ordering unsweet tea from Chick-fil-a. Shocking, I know. Ask Shyanne, I'm serious.

So maybe cutting out these extra calories and riding the bike a little longer and adding some crunches and squats here and there will help. We will see!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Final New York Post

Ok, I am a little tired of the NY posts. I am going to try and finish with this one. It may be long....
Here are some pictures of Times Square in the daytime. It is just like you see on TV. Everything is big and busy!

This last picture Duane made me take from across the street. Apparently some guy thought 'I think I'll go out in my underwear with my guitar and cowboy hat and make a living taking pictures with people'... or something like that. Kinda random.

We then went to Central Park and rode in a bike taxi. A guy pedals you around while you sit in a seat, kind of like a ricksaw (sp?). It was beautiful! Lots of people biking, running, walking dogs, pushing strollers, etc. This first picture is in the first scene of Face Off when John Travolta gets shot on the carousel.

This is the fountain from the beginning of the Friends episodes.

After Central Park, we walked back through Times Square to the Majestic Theatre. We saw Phantom of the Opera. It was wonderful! It is amazing what they can do on one stage. Their costumes were beautiful. It was very dark inside so the pictures I took of the theatre didn't turn out and of course we couldn't take any during the show. So no pictures. I would for sure go to another play!

After the play, we walked through Times Square at night. It is still so lit up that it is hard to tell it is even night! Here are a few pictures of it...

Overall we had a great time! It was a great experience! It did make me grateful for Texas, my home, my family, and the fact we all live so close together. I missed my kids terribly and I don't plan on leaving them for that long again for a very long time!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Part 2

Next we went toward Wall Street and the New York Stock Exchange. It rained on us the entire morning and we had to carry umbrellas. It wasn't pouring though so we could still walk around and see things.

We then walked toward Battery Park and got on a ferry that took us around the harbor. We got to see Ellis Island, the Statue of Liberty, Brooklyn Bridge and many other neat buildings and ships. I am glad we did this tour because it was so foggy and overcast with rain that we couldn't see these things from the shore. I hated to think that I would have gone all the way to NY and not see them.

The Statue of Liberty is beautiful and BIG. So much more than I thought it would be. She really is amazing.

Next post-the Subway, Times Square, and a naked cowboy!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

NY-Part 1

Here is the first part of our trip....
We flew into DFW and were supposed to leave at 1:45, but got delayed until about 5:30 because of the weather. So we didn't get to Newark until about 8:30 (our time) or 9:30 NJ time. By the time we got to our hotel and then ate we didn't get to bed until 1am. Looooong day! Here we are at the Newark airport.

We did ride our first train from the airport to the hotel. This is on the train:

e got up Saturday and went into NY. Here is a picture from our balcony. That is the J&J Corporate headquarter building in New Brunswick behind me. (Notice how my hair is fixed all nice and pretty. Keep this in mind for future photos.)
We went to the World Trade Centers first. I think it would have had more of an impact if I had seen the buildings before 9/11. They are already working at about ground level. We were told there was a huge hole where the buildings were but by now they have it up to the ground. Here is a picture of the construction where the buildings were.

Coming up next-Wall St., the Statue of Liberty....

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

There's no place like home...

We are back. Bear with me for a few days or a week and I will do some posts with pictures of New York. Ya'll know how I am, it will take me that long to get it all together! :)

I will say that it was quite an experience and I was glad to get home and see my kids!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Beans & Parmesan Chicken & Biggest Loser

Sounds good doesn't it!

Sunday night my poor Karter boy pulled a crock pot by the cord and dumped it on his head. It scared me silly! I didn't rush in at first because well Karter has lots of crashes and I was waiting to see if he cried. When he did that's when it scared me. It was a different cry then usual and I knew he was hurt or scared. Thankfully God was watching over him and the beans were not hot enough to burn him, but he did have a big goose egg on his head. I got up every two hours and checked on him Sunday night, but he was fine. No big deal, right? Yeah, not to mama!

Last night I made parmesan chicken for the first time. It turned out really good and wasn't that hard! Thanks for the recipe Stephanie S.! (out of your grandma's cookbook)

Oh and some exciting news! My mom's cousin's daughter (are you with me?) is going to be on the next season of the Biggest Loser! You can see a preview of it on NBC's website for the show. She is wearing green and her name is Abby. Her story is very touching and sad. We will be cheering for her every Tuesday and wishing her the very best!

Have a blessed week!
p.s. we are in single digits until New York-9 days! I promise I'm not counting :)

Monday, August 17, 2009

Happy Birthday to my Best Friends!

Happy Birthday to you,

Happy Birthday to you,

Happy Birthday Duane and Shyanne,

Happy Birthday to you!

Love ya'll!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

A Tale of Two Cities

Oh, how I forget how much I LOVE this novel! I hadn't read it for a few years but always say it is my favorite. When I started reading it this time I thought 'why do I say this is my favorite?'. Oh, but now I remember. The plot. The secrets. The horror. The love. The sacrifice. It all ties together so perfectly! This IS my favorite novel!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


It is less than 3 weeks until we leave for New York! As in 17 days! But I'm not counting or anything! I am so excited! I have no idea what to pack b/c I don't exactly know what the weather will be like. Mom and Shyanne are so excited to be helping with my wardrobe, but seriously I think I may have to fire them! j/k I am all about comfort especially since we will be wearing the same thing all day and walking most of the day. They are more concerned with how I'm dressed! I am just kidding! They are a big help b/c sometimes I'm pretty lost in this department. I just have to tell them 'Uh, no' sometimes. We will see! I feel a little anxious and like I should already be packed or something! I can't wait!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


We, as humans, are so seriously born in sin and anybody that thinks they are not a sinner just ask your mother. It is the only explanation for how children know how to fight, talk back, hit, lie, and act foolishly. You do not have to teach them these things they just know! Did I mention that my children act like siblings, as in they do these things?

They are also the greatest and most wonderful blessings from God and I am so undeserving of such great love and faith. I was thinking yesterday that through my children I am learning more and more about God's love. I understand more of His love for me as His child and more of the childlike faith I am to have in Him.

Have a good week!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Slightly Embarrassing...

Last night in conversation with Duane I quoted Peter from Family Guy.

I admit we might watch it from time to time and occasionally I do laugh.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Joseph got swallowed by a fish?

After church yesterday:

Me: What did you do in Jr. Church?

Addi: We got candy and painted.

Me: What did you learn about?

Addi: Joseph got put in a big hole.

Me: Who put him there?

Addi: His brothers.

Me: How did he get out?

Addi: Reuben helped him.

Me: Oh.

Addi: Then he got swallowed by a fish!

So I had to correct that little bit but pretty good, I thought, for a 3 year old. It is amazing how kids learn so much and so fast!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Hide N Seek Rules

Hide N Seek Rules for Toddlers

1. Find a 'hiding' spot where you are not really hidden, like the entryway by the front door.

2. Holler to the seeker to come find you. When asked by the seeker, 'Where are you?' in reply state where you are, 'In the hallway'.

3. Giggling and laughing the entire time the seeker is coming is encouraged and enhances the 'hiding' experience.

4. When the seeker is not coming fast enough, leave your 'hiding' spot and see where he is. Note: He may be right around the corner and scare the pants off you.

5. Have fun!

6. Repeat. With the same 'hiding' place.

He can scream like a girl

Funny story.... I was going to sleep last night. Duane was in the shower, when I heard this high pitched holler. I was thinking, what was that?, was it one of the dogs?, or is Karter up? It was Duane! A HUGE garden spider had gotten in the shower and was crawling up his leg!!! Yep, it scared him and he screamed like a girl! Ugh! It gives me the hebee jebeeies!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Two Years Old!

My baby turned two yesterday! I can't believe it. He is the sweetest most loving kid! If he thinks he is in trouble he will run up and hug my legs and start kissing me. I love him so much! Happy birthday my big boy!

Shyanne made the cupcakes for is puppy "pawty"!

Here is a close up:

Karter's own cake:

The banner she made:

Thanks Aunt Shy Shy for helping make Karter's day so special!

Blowing out the candle with Daddy's help!

Paw-Paw brought the horse over and let everybody ride! Here is a picture of Addi and her friend.

Karter had a great party! Thanks to everyone who helped make it a success!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Guess What?!

Duane and I are....


on a TRIP to...


Crazy, isn't it! We are going with Duane's boss and his wife. They invited us and it worked out and we really didn't have any excuses not to go. We also never travel anywhere and have never gone anywhere like this before, so we thought what the heck let's do it! We are going on a Friday and coming back on Monday, last weekend in August. I am soooooo excited! That's truly an understatement!!!! We are going to see Phantom of the Opera when we are there and of course the normal sights! I can't wait!!!!!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

FT Worth Zoo

On the 3rd we went with JJ, Teri, & Sierra to the Ft Worth Zoo. We went and ate at Rainforest Cafe, and visited Bass Pro Shop and Sam Moon, and spent some time with Duane's grandma.
These pictures are not in order:

The gorillas would dance in the RF Cafe and Karter would stand in his chair and wave at them saying 'Hi"!

At the zoo:

This is right after the left the house at 4:30am! Look at those eyes!

On the way Karter was entertaining himself with fruit roll ups. He would put them between his big toe and second toe and hold them up. It was pretty funny!

Have a good week!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Anytime Karter is coloring or 'writing' thank you notes or drawing outside with chalk, he says 'A' and proceeds to draw (His name does not start with an 'A' but he obviously prefers it to 'K'). Of course anything he says has a bit of a country drawl to it and he has a deep voice. He also hunts 'snAkes' with his toy pistol. I used a big A because again it has very country sound when he says it and that is the best way to spell how he says it.

And this is a conversation Addi and I had this morning:

Addi: my throat hurts

Me: it does?

Addi: Yes...... Where is my throat?

Hmmmmm. Interesting.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Check this out!!!

We are finally redoing the kids bathroom into something that has a kid theme. It has been sponge painted purple for five years. Two weekends ago Shyanne and I painted it and then painted the bottom half of the wall blue. Here is the picture of the shower curtain we found:

My friend Jaymie came over this past Saturday and painted see creatures on the blue part. She did an amazing job! She is so super talented in all things artistic and is so humble about her abilities! She is a blessing to have as a friend! Check out these pictures (which don't do it justice):

These three are in order from left to right of the entire wall. We are going to put a chair rail up above the blue.

These pictures are of a closer view:

Didn't she do an awesome job? She made the animals match the curtain exactly! Thanks Jaymie!
See the post below for pictures of the kids!

Pictures of the kids

We really haven't been doing very much around here. Obviously, by the lack of posting! We are going to Dallas on Friday to visit Duane's grandparents and take the kids to the zoo and do a little shopping. It will be nice to go somewhere for a few days! This is the last week of swim lessons. The kids have been doing great and really enjoyed it. Well that's about it! Here a few pictures of the kids being silly last night, wearing an army hat and a fireman hat!

Have a good week!