Tuesday, June 9, 2009

What have you done with my husband?

This crossed my mind last night. Here's the story:

Last night I had bunco at Shyanne's house. We had a blast! I only had one fit with Shyanne! It was a little after nine when I was leaving and called Duane to tell him I was on my way. He said the kids are waiting for you to give them a bath. The way home I start to think could he not have managed to give them a bath at least. I mean what have they been doing? I nearly called him back to politely say that if he wanted he could go ahead and give them a bath. But I didn't. He did after all keep Karter this weekend (who ended up with two sessions of diarrhea) when I was out of town. So I get home and there are no kids to be found. He had given them a bath and they were already in bed!! Addi was sleeping but Karter was still awake so I got him out and rocked him a little before putting him to bed. Shame on me for thinking ill thoughts of him. He's just the best husband! Thanks, babe!

p.s. I did do a Shred workout last night. It has been forever, but I am trying to get back going again.


  1. oooooohhh. I miss Bunco with y'all!!!! Are you playing with church?

  2. What a sweetie!

    Micah got a job at an accounting firm called something like Backus Armstrong. He will be doing pretty much the same thing he does now- auditing.

  3. Ohh I love little surprises like that! When I call him on the way home, and he says "I'm sorry I didn't get to the dishes today, I promise I will tomorrow!" And then my whole kitchen is clean!! :)
