Tuesday, August 11, 2009


It is less than 3 weeks until we leave for New York! As in 17 days! But I'm not counting or anything! I am so excited! I have no idea what to pack b/c I don't exactly know what the weather will be like. Mom and Shyanne are so excited to be helping with my wardrobe, but seriously I think I may have to fire them! j/k I am all about comfort especially since we will be wearing the same thing all day and walking most of the day. They are more concerned with how I'm dressed! I am just kidding! They are a big help b/c sometimes I'm pretty lost in this department. I just have to tell them 'Uh, no' sometimes. We will see! I feel a little anxious and like I should already be packed or something! I can't wait!


  1. oooo how exciting!!! i know you will have a blast!! make sure you take LOTS of pics!!!
