Friday, May 22, 2009


I finished the Twilight series. I really did enjoy them and am kinda sad it's over. I really wish I had somebody to talk to about them, but no one else is reading them, except Duane and he is slow as Christmas! So I am going to talk on here about them. If you are not interested or have not read them all then skip this blog.

I read some negative reviews about Breaking Dawn but I really liked it. Here is what I think the deal is. Alot of teenagers/ younger adults like these books and I can see where they would really enjoy the first three books more then the fourth. The first ones are all about who's Bella going to end up with and there is alot of mushy romance stuff. That's what makes the fourth book different. To me the fourth book is like the next step, Bella's decision is made and they move into the next chapter of their life. I think anyone who has been married or is older can appreciate the fourth book more. Yea there's not as much lovey dovey romance between Edward and Bella, but anyone who is married, especially with kids, knows that marriage is different than dating. AND I love how Bella is still so as attracted and in love with Edward and that Edward is constantly amazed at her!

Also I am glad that it did not come to a fight at the end. Why is it that someone has to sacrifice their life or be broken for it to be a good book? I like that it is a happy ending and that they live happily ever after and that Jacob still gets to be a part in their lives and that Bella has a child and is a vampire and got all she wanted. Don't we all want the happy ending?

I also don't know how they are going to make this fourth book into a movie. It should be very interesting!

I promise no more Twilight posts-next time will be about us!


  1. I agree!! The fourth book started so weird, when i found out she was preggo ... but it turned cool later on when she became a vampire!!

    The next movie comes out in novemember ... I bet it's better than the first!! :)

  2. I loved this series! I wouldn't want anything different! I need to read them again :)

  3. I read the twilight series! I enjoyed them, minus the grammatical errors...but other than that they were pretty good.

    Miss you and Duane and the kids, hope all is well!

    Love ya,

  4. So I just stumbled across your blog from Shyannes blog, and was going to tell you that I am actually on the 3rd book right now...but I have already read the series once. I absolutly love them and I agree with you..the 4th movie will be quite interesting, lol.
